A marketing assessment is an opportunity to take an objective look at your existing processes and upcoming plans. Aligning your marketing plans and budgets to your revenue goal is an important step that is all to frequently skipped. The scope of our assessment and recommendation process provides tremendous value across your organizational structure. Our assessment process helps establish a full marketing calendar and execution plan, desired outcomes, as well as tracking methodologies and dashboards. We examine both your inbound and outbound marketing efforts, and include a full inbound marketing assessment as a part of this program.
Recently, a VP of Sales noted:
We have used Frantz for initial assessment and strategy development. We found that valuable. Since the initial assessment we have begun to address the inbound marketing gaps Frantz Group identified. We have begun to incorporate web suggestions. We meet with John Frantz regularly to execute our strategy for business growth. Our intent is to grow our SAP business, Frantz is helping us do that.”
And here’s what a CFO said about our marketing assessment:
As part of the new ownership group of a small manufacturer I found exceptional value in the Frantz Group’s marketing assessment exercise. We were able to develop a marketing strategy, where none existed, after three separate deep dive meetings that analyzed our current state and offered suggestions for systematic improvements. We now have a prioritized game plan for marketing success.
Clients have signed on for the marketing assessment for a number of reasons. Often it was simply because their current marketing programs weren’t performing well enough to meet revenue goals. Sometimes it was to become more efficient at marketing. And sometimes it was to increase confidence that they could make aggressive revenue goals for the upcoming fiscal year. And lastly, they simply wanted an unbiased, third party perspective on their marketing function:
Sometimes it’s a good idea to leverage a 3rd party to assess your operation. We found Frantz Group’s Channel Marketing Assessment methodology to be well organized and thorough. It genuinely revealed areas for improvement. The roadmap has been helpful and we are making progress.
Whatever your reason, we are ready to assess your marketing readiness and make recommendations to ensure you’re positioned to meet your revenue goals. Frantz Group has 20 years of B2B experience helping customers with a wide variety of planning, strategy, assessments, campaigns, and tactics. The strategic alignment of planning, resources, and technologies to support your specific goals is one of the aims of this assessment. Allow us to put our experience to work for you. To get started, please