‘Twas the night before the holidays, when all through the place,
The FG Team was giddy – about 20 years in the marketing space;
The scripts had been written, by Account Execs with care,
In hopes that more leads – soon would be there;
John Frantz was nestled all snug at his desk,
Recalling all of our clients, and how FG had been blessed;
While the morning sun, turned to afternoon snow,
The calling team watched as the lead funnel would grow;
When out on the lawn, there arose such a clatter,
They all jumped from their desks to see what was the matter;
Away from their PC’s they flew with a flash,
Dropping Matrixes, scripts, binders, and the trash;
This business that started in Nineteen Ninety-Three,
Had grown tremendously, and all could agree!
And what to their wondering eyes should appear?
But a Blue Yukon Sleigh – with eight growly gears
With a tall jolly driver – Is that John behind the wheel?
No, it’s Santa, my goodness – with an Inbound Marketing Deal!
More rapid than campaign dials – he ran up the stairs,
To discuss with the team his marketing wares;
Can you help me dear Frantz Group – the jolly elf asked?
Sure, said John Frantz – With what are you tasked?
I need help at the north pole with marketing and such,
Please help me Mr. Frantz – I’m in quite a clutch!
So they met and they brainstormed and discussed FG years of service
20 years in the making, this was easy… we weren’t nervous!
Santa was set up – with a Marketing Assessment A&R;
And promised results that would take the elves far!
Santa was excited about learning OnContact CRM,
For the ability to track his naughty/nice list would be quite a gem!
So he signed on the line, to get started right away,
With the experience of FG, he knew he would be okay!
Down the hall he ran, past the pods to the door
Excited for his new data and campaign for leads galore.
Down the stairs he flew, in his suit of red
Back to his Yukon, his GMC sled;
As he fled from the lot, with a wave of his hand;
Back to the Northpole from, Grafton, he’d land
But I heard him exclaim as the engine started to roar
“Seasons’ Greetings to All! Here’s to 20 years more!”
Poem by Christa Layman, Sr. Finance Manager