In the fall of 2010, Frantz Group wrote about the bright future of our C-level program, stating that we’d developed a Proprietary Solution that was getting attention and reaping rewards for our client companies. In November, we wrote about a big win we’d netted for one of our happy customers as a result of Frantz Group’s C-level efforts.

Now, Frantz Group is proud to announce that we have completed our C-level Training and Certification Program, which encapsulates what we’ve learned over our nearly two decades of experience.

This timely addition to the FG training and education arsenal is aimed at further increasing the effectiveness of our cutting edge C-level demand generation and appointment-setting functions – improving the likelihood of our clients’ connecting with ‘way-too-busy’ executives to deliver carefully targeted selling messages.

Frantz Group CEO John Frantz says, “Unproductive time is my enemy. I understand what it takes to reach execs like myself, when we might be ‘suggestible,’ or how sellers can get ‘round filed’ in a heartbeat.

“If you can’t help me solve a real problem that’s causing me pain today, you’re stealing time from others who can, and I can’t afford to spend time with you. I’m interested in solving real problems, in real time.

“Frantz Group professionals understand this and they also get that there are certain points in a sell cycle when the C-suite is accessible, but they’re hard to nail down and it’s a delicate process, not something you should ‘try at home!'”

“To connect with the C-level requires special tactics and training,” says Frantz Group’s Senior Business Development Manager. “Frantz Group blends current wisdom on the subject of selling to the C-suite with our own research and experience in order to develop FG proprietary best practices which we implement on behalf of our customers.

“Many companies claim to target the C-level, but often this is simply the result of finding C-level contacts on their list. FG created a unique, multi-touch approach, based on video and deep target account knowledge, specifically designed to connect with the C-level.”

Frantz Group’s formal C-level Education and Certification Program was created in order to help us meet the demand for C-level specialists while ensuring that we deliver high quality and consistency, but our motivation was closer to home. The program’s developer says: “I built this program using comparative readings and industry research, but its purpose was primarily to solve problems my team and I were experiencing in the field, which made this project personal. We knew the selling environment had drastically changed, and that what sellers were doing – and had been doing successfully for a very long time – just wasn’t working anymore.  So, I set about finding a way to get the job done in today’s world. Frantz Group’s C-level Training and Certification Program is the result.”

This new program is another forward-thinking addition to Frantz Group Best Practices, and will continue to evolve as the marketplace, technology, and our customers’ needs change over time.

Frantz Group C-level Program value-adds include:

In-depth research (company, targeted titles, trigger events, etc.) helps relieve sales teams overloaded with accounts, and often improves quality of information.

FG targeted research provides additional insight into accounts which helps individual sales professionals further.

Frantz Group C-level demand generation professionals help establish a relationship, especially if professionals are calling on behalf of a particular executive/salesperson within our client’s organization.

FG helps our clients write better value propositions, marketing messages, and similar, based upon the research we’ve done about their target company/contact.

Frantz Group professionals can deliver more touches per account, over a shorter period of time, than our clients’ sales professionals are likely to be able to deliver.