Growth responsible business leaders have realized, since every business has the opportunity to disrupt their market and grow their business or be disrupted by competing forces, daily disruption management planning has become the norm.
The business world is a fast-paced environment fueled by new technologies, changing consumer tastes, and other forces. And as in many sports, timing is everything. The same action taken in business early on may do the job; taken later on, it may well fall short because it won’t be enough.
As a result, to react quickly to these changes, business leaders are reflecting on their growth mindsets and enacting programs to keep their fingers on the pulse of the market to identify opportunities for innovation and mitigate potential threats.
What do positive leader mindsets look like? McKinsey enlightens us.
Beyond growth mindsets, let’s review what real growth metrics look like.
What does growth look like in your industry? See below.
Is your existing growth pattern meeting your goal?
Growth is something every CEO and business leader aspires to deliver, but for many, it remains elusive. About a quarter of companies don’t grow at all, and between 2010 and 2019, only one in eight achieved more than 10 percent revenue growth annually.
Do you have existing resources skilled and available to perform disruption management to growth?
Are you able to employ techniques such as real-time monitoring, scenario planning, war-gaming, and simulations to drive higher levels of sophistication in managing opportunity and risk?
Frantz Group can help.
We offer a “commonsense solution” to continuously monitor the changes in your environment and help determine what could be truly disruptive.
What could be your opportunity during disruptive times? (See intel book)
We have provided these services from fortune 500 to medium and small businesses, nationwide and local.
We can lead or contribute to response planning including new product design.
We can work one on one with a single leader, where Frantz Group is doing 90% of the work.
Or, we can manage a large group effort.
Most importantly, we have experienced resources to conduct comprehensive market intelligence research and industry analysis to support what we do.
Is there a disruption risk or opportunity on the horizon that has your attention?
Please reach out to me or utilize our contact us form on our website.
We will meet with you for 30 minutes without contract or cost.
Frantz Group is a 30-year-old fractional chief revenue officer consultancy boutique firm.
Best Regards,