Many wonder about the accuracy of measuring customer satisfaction during a tough economy. Will it reflect true performance or will it be unduly impacted by the frustration and challenges of a major down cycle – reduced demand, cut staffing and spending cuts.
Frantz Group did not have those concerns because for 9 consecutive months, we have exceeded our overall client lead goals. And the results of our customer satisfaction survey reflect that performance.
In fact, this quote from a senior marketing manager at a Fortune 50 company, pretty much says it all: “I have worked with the Frantz Group for almost 13 years and the team never fails to deliver on time with outstanding results.”
One section of the survey measured client satisfaction with their most recent project or campaign. And 88% of our clients said their project delivered the expected results; 92% said it met their needs and 96% said it was worth the investment.
Another section of the survey was focused on our longer term performance – the last year or so. When we asked about customer satisfaction with our overall performance, our clients scored us 4.1 where a score of 5.0 means “completely satisfied”. When compared to our competitors, 68% said we delivered more results and 75% said we delivered higher quality results.
Most importantly, when asked how they viewed their relationship with Frantz Group, clients scored us at 3.8 on a scale where 1 is commodity vendor and 5 is trusted advisor! We’re especially proud that our clients view us much more like a consultant than a vendor.
These finding are based on a survey of Frantz Group customers who did at least one campaign or project during the first half of calendar 2009. The survey findings are based on feedback from 67% of the companies we served and 42% of the executives we asked to participate.