sweep up with targeted marketing

Just like the Winter Olympics, the New Year is here and underway. Sales goals are set and marketing plans in motion to support them. Now, what’s your game plan to hit your targets?

At the “button” of every solid marketing plan should be focus. Focus on selecting your core target markets and audiences carefully. Take the time to research them in order to determine those that are the best fit for your products and services with the highest propensity to buy. Then turn your focus on the best tactics and messages that will nurture and turn those prospects into customers quickly. If you have yet to put marketing automation software in place, now is the time to look into one. If you already have a solution in place, ensure you are utilizing it to move your nurture targets through the funnel faster, a healthy mix of automated and scheduled human touches prove to be the most effective approach. Using your marketing automation tools effectively helps ensure a consistent and successful nurture process.

Don’t forget about your current customers, sometimes we lose focus on keeping them up to date. Are they all aware of all the products and services you offer? Have any of them fallen off of maintenance and you haven’t had the time to focus getting them back on?

Now is also the time to get ahead of the obstacles you know you’ll face and sweep them out of the way. Determine what main obstacles you’re going to run into so you can be prepared to overcome them. Smaller budgets, delayed buying decisions, decision-maker turnover and mergers & acquisitions all lead to longer sell cycles. You need to shorten that sell cycle by letting them know what your product or service can do to help them hit their goals sooner.

Having a solid game plan in place and putting your team members in the positions they play best is a great start. Just like a curling team needs a solid lead, second, third and skip to deliver, score and win, you need a solid marketing team to deliver and execute your plan. Frantz Group can be the marketing team that helps you create, deliver and execute your demand generation execution plan to hit your goals.



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Photo by: Tracy Bains - License Notice