Frantz Group

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About Frantz Group

Frantz Group is a B2B Marketing Agency that brings decades of leadership to your teams. We combine the art of value centric messaging and building deep emotional connections with content and tactics that drive success for our customers.

Frantz Group Nurture One Video addresses two key marketing gaps

By |2016-10-24T15:09:08-05:00November 10th, 2010|News|

Research is important at Frantz Group. We use our findings to fine-tune best practices and to help our clients gain profitable business. We also steer our own business with what we learn. Two years ago, a Frantz Group survey of marketing and sales executives unearthed findings that clarified the gap between what marketers had been [...]

FG leverages expertise in new ways to benefit financial services industry

By |2016-10-24T15:09:08-05:00October 18th, 2010|News|

Frantz Group is primarily known for its expertise at business-to-business direct marketing, focusing on lead generation and nurturing qualified sales prospects. Less known but enormously valuable to satisfied clients is how FG leverages its revenue-driving skills in areas outside of traditional sales. One notable example of Frantz Group's diversification is our work for a global [...]

Frantz Group client shares the love. It’s mutual.

By |2016-10-24T15:09:12-05:00October 11th, 2010|News|

In the spring of 2009, The Frantz Group's Ken Heun read about an interesting company in "Manufacturing Business Technology" magazine. Panorama Consulting Group sounded like a top-notch company and one that could benefit from FG's help. Ken made contact, nurtured his lead, and by summer's-end, Frantz Group had a new ERP consulting customer. Today, you're [...]

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